
How To Backwards Long Jump In Super Mario 64

How To Backwards Long Jump In Super Mario 64. Here in this post is everything you need to know on How to Backwards Long Jumps In Super Mario 64.


And unless you are spread running the game (Super Mario) 33D All-Star version of the vapour, it is very important to learn how and where to use the backward long jump.

The stunt is, on the surface, exactly what it sounds like: conducting a long jump while pressing backwards.

Comprehensive details are in the guide, and it is necessary to understand why the glitch does the thing it does, which helps in becoming a better Super Mario 64 Speedrunner.


Proceed into the post to find out more information.

What Is Backwards Long Jump

The Backwards Long Jump trick is a glitch that alters the long jump against an obstacle which can be stairs, slices or a wall, to attain hyper speed, which enables the character to clip through doors and avoid loading zones, or just zoom through areas which a huge amount of speed.

This trick is not only used to avoid loading zones, but it also enables players to speed through bigger levels ans also clip through gated areas.

How to Backwards Long Jumps In Super Mario 64

The best possible place to execute this trick is at a flight of stairs or an ascending platform, for instance; an elevator or Hazy Maze Cave.

For a Backwards Long Jump, the player must fasten on the back button while conducting a cycle of long jumps. And suppose the character (Mario) stays on the ground while long jumping, proceed to hold backwards and press the jump button to perform the trick. Mario should proceed to boost in speed backwards.

And in speedrunning, the stunt is used four times on each floor of the castle.

  • It is used on the ground floor, right after clipping into one of the pillars Mario is eligible to do the BLJ trick against the wall and gains sufficient momentum to clip through the 8-star door.
  • It is also utilized again in the basement to avoid both the 30-star door and the portal into Dire Dire Docks. Here Mario has to Backwards Long Jump against the little set of stairs in the room.
  • It’s used for a third time on the second floor on the stairs that lead up to the third floor, enabling Mario to clip through the wall and into the third floor.
  • It’s last used on the Endless/Infinite Stairs, where Mario is equipped to attain adequate speed to avoid the warp that develops the delusion of the endless/ infinite staircase.


Is BLJ Possible In Mario 64 Switch?

Note that the usable tricks can differ between various versions of the game. The version of Super Mario 64 that’s available with the NSOEP revives one of these speed running; the BLJ.

What Is the Fastest Mario 64 Speed run

Surprisingly, speed runners are still discovering strategies to bring the Super Mario 64 time down even more. Suppose you’ve watched any speed run before, it was probably from Super Mario 64

Conclusion How To Backwards Long Jump In Super Mario 64

Now we can conclude with the details in this article, it is clear to us How To Backwards Long Jump In Super Mario 64 and how to go about it.

So make sure to carefully read through the post to find get acquainted with the necessary information.

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